Dermatophytes in dogs from Cali, Colombia

María I. Alvarez, Luz D. Caicedo, .

Keywords: dermatophyies, dermatophytosis, tinea, dogs, Cali


The presence of dermatophytes was studied in stray and house dogs in Cali, Colombia, using a sterile square of wool carpet rubbed on the hair. A total of 251 animals were studied, 86 stray and 165 pet dogs. Dermophytes were found in 34 (13.5%) animals, 11 being stray and 23 house dogs. No correlation was found between these two groups, neither between age, sex, race or length of hair, and dermatophytes.The presence of lesions was the only factor that showed a significant statistical relationship with isolation of fungi (P<0.05).The dermatophyte most frequently isolated was Microsporum gypseum (55.9%), followed by Microsporum canis and Trichophyton mentagrophytesvar mentagrophytes each one with 14.7%, and Trichophyton rubrum with 2.9%. The last two species were found only on pet dogs.


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  • María I. Alvarez Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle, Cali
  • Luz D. Caicedo Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle, Cali
How to Cite
Alvarez MI, Caicedo LD. Dermatophytes in dogs from Cali, Colombia. biomedica [Internet]. 2001 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Jun. 2];21(2):128-33. Available from:

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