Estudio citogenético de 38 pacientes con síndrome de turner

Alejandro Giraldo, Elizabeth Silva, Martha Lucía Bueno, Inés Martínez, Cecilia Crane, Ximena Pedraza, Carlos Restrepo, .


Among 36 patients with Turner syndrome diagnosis, 20 had the classical karyotype 45, XO and one had 45, X O/46, X X . The remainder 17 patients had different structural aberrations: ten had one or two lines with long arm isochrornosomes, eight of which were 45,XO mosaicism; one patient had 46,X.del (Xp) or 46, X, tel (Xq) because of total lack of the short arm; three had different percentages of monosomic lines and X rings: 45, X0/46, X, r (X); two had structural aberrations of the Y chromosome: 45, X0/46, and  45,XO/46, X, idic (Yq), and one had 45,X0/46,X,f(X). These patients were referred for clinical and cytogenetic evaluation to the Genetic Group of Colombian National Institute of Health during  the 1.977-1983 period. Observations about the possible origin of chromosomal abnormalities, parental ages, patient's ages, motive of consultation and clinical findings are discussed.


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  • Alejandro Giraldo Instituto Nacional de Salud
    Grupo de Genética, I.N.S.
  • Elizabeth Silva Instituto Nacional de Salud
    Grupo de Genética, I.N.S.
  • Martha Lucía Bueno Instituto Nacional de Salud
    Grupo de Genética, I.N.S.
  • Inés Martínez Instituto Nacional de Salud
    Grupo de Genética, I.N.S.
  • Cecilia Crane Instituto Nacional de Salud
    Grupo de Genética, I.N.S.
  • Ximena Pedraza Instituto Nacional de Salud
    Estudiante de tesis, Grupo de Genética, I.N.S.
  • Carlos Restrepo Instituto Nacional de Salud
    Servicio Social Obligatorio, Grupo de Genética, I.N.S.
How to Cite
Giraldo A, Silva E, Bueno ML, Martínez I, Crane C, Pedraza X, et al. Estudio citogenético de 38 pacientes con síndrome de turner. biomedica [Internet]. 1983 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Jun. 1];3(4):107-1. Available from:
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