Inducción de la diferenciación en células eritroleucémicas humanas y murinas: Síntesis de espectrina

Ruth Mosquera, Jean Paul Vernot, Moisés Wasserman, .

Keywords: eritroleucemia, espectrina, diferenciación celular


The differentiation of human (K562) and murine (Friend) erythroleukemic cells was studied by stimulation with hemin and DMSO respectively. After the second day of stimulation, hemin iduces the production of hemoglobin up to 18% in K562 cells. In Friend cells, DMSO produces a clear increase in hemoglobin synthesis after the fifth day of stimulation when about 30% of the cells differentiate. Both cellular lines showed an increase in the synthesis of a protein with an electrophoretic mobility similar to the erythrocytic B-spectrin. The amount of this protein increased 5 times in the murine cells and 2.5 times in the human cells during induction. The synthesis of a protein with electrophoretic mobility similar to that of a-spectrin was increased in induce K562 cells. Nevertheless, none of these proteins reacted with a polyspecific rabbit antiserum against human B-spectrin.


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  • Ruth Mosquera lnstituto Nacional de Salud

    Investigador Asociado. Grupo de Inmunología. lnstituto Nacional de Salud.

  • Jean Paul Vernot Instituto Nacional de Salud
    Investigador Asociado. Grupo de Inmunología. lnstituto Nacional de Salud.
  • Moisés Wasserman Instituto Nacional de Salud

    Jefe Grupo de Bioquímica. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Avenida El dorado, Bogotá, D.E., Colombia. Profesor de Bioquímica, Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Nacional de Colombia

How to Cite
Mosquera R, Vernot JP, Wasserman M. Inducción de la diferenciación en células eritroleucémicas humanas y murinas: Síntesis de espectrina. biomedica [Internet]. 1989 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Jun. 2];9(1-2):5-12. Available from:
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