Evidence-based medicine: an epistemological approach

Daniel Eduardo Henao, Fabián Alberto Jaimes, .

Keywords: evidence-based medicine, epidemiology, knowledge, science


Evidence-based medicine gathers physician’s experience and the best scientific evidence to make medical decisions. This proposal has been widely promulgated by medical opinion leaders. Despite a large literature supporting this practice, a formal discussion has not been established regarding its epistemological consequences in daily medical work. The main proposal of evidence-based medicine consists of choosing the best medical decision according to the best available results from scientific studies. Herein, the goal was to highlight inappropriate application of the scientific method used by physics to clinical science. The inaccuracy resides in describing health and disease in strictly numeric equivalents that can be homogenized on a continuous scale. Finally, the authors consider each diseased human being as a complex system, unique and particular, and that this being is defined by an historical background as well as current actual context. Therefore, evidence-based medicine possesses certain limitations that must be recognized in order to to provide better health care to patients.


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  • Daniel Eduardo Henao Grupo Reproducción, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia
  • Fabián Alberto Jaimes Grupo Académico de Epidemiología Clínica (GRAEPIC), Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia


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How to Cite
Henao DE, Jaimes FA. Evidence-based medicine: an epistemological approach. biomedica [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 1 [cited 2024 May 17];29(1):33-42. Available from: https://revistabiomedica.org/index.php/biomedica/article/view/39

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