Evaluación de tres técnicas citogenéticas diferentes en los estudios morfométricos del carioti po de Aedes taeniorhynchus (Di ptera: culicidae

Felio J. Bello, Víctor A. Olano, Alberto Morales, Jorge Boschell, Gloria Rey, Felisa Durán, .


Morphometric studies of the Aedes taeniorhynchus mosquito karyotype are of veterinary medical interest because this mosquito is a vector of epidemo-epizootic Venezuelan equine encephalitis. Three different cytogenetic techniques were used for chromosome preparation: squash, air-drying and cell culture. These three techniques were compared to each other to evaluate the obtained metaphases' chromosome length and morphology. The diploid number of the species was 6 in al1 the cariological preparations when any one of the three procedures was used. However, with the squash technique, brain-cell mytotic chromosomes were shorter, discontinuous and had less apparent grades of chromatin compaction. When air-drying was used, better cytological extensions were obtained, the chromosomes being more separated and of a slightly greater length. The best resolution was obtained using ceil culture because of the structure and separation of chromosome homology and length.


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  • Felio J. Bello M.Sc., investigador, Universidad de La Salle
  • Víctor A. Olano Biólogo, Laboratorio de Entomologia. INS.
  • Alberto Morales M.Sc., Laboratorio de Entomologia, INS.
  • Jorge Boschell Médico, Laboratorio de Virologia, INS.
  • Gloria Rey Bacterióloga, Laboratorio de Virología, INS
  • Felisa Durán Estudiante de pregrado, Universidad de La Salle.
How to Cite
Bello FJ, Olano VA, Morales A, Boschell J, Rey G, Durán F. Evaluación de tres técnicas citogenéticas diferentes en los estudios morfométricos del carioti po de Aedes taeniorhynchus (Di ptera: culicidae. biomedica [Internet]. 1995 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Jun. 16];15(3):109-15. Available from: https://revistabiomedica.org/index.php/biomedica/article/view/867
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