Prevalencia de mansonelosis en comunidades del río Atabapo del departamento de Guanía, Colombia

Herbert Iván Vera, Julián Trujillo, .


In the Guainia depatiment of Colombia a study in the form of a cross-sectional prevalency survey was carried out in seven communities along the Rio Atabapo, where it was calculated that 181 people older than 10 years of age should be examined, taking 37 randomly chosen dwellings as the cone analysis unit. Blood samples were taken and subjected to four analysis techniques (fresh blood analysis, thick smear, Knott test and content per cc); medical examinations were given, health studies made and housing questionnaire carried out. A 57% prevalency was found in the group examined from which, being a representative sample of the population, it can be said that there it is the zone prevalence. Given the prevalence, a relationship exists between the presence of disease with the occupation of being a farmer and symptoins such as headache, neckache, shivering and weakness, which were statistically significant. Of the diagnostic tests used in addition to the Knoti test, cc content was that which offered the best result in this study. Environmental health conditions in the zone were similar and did not allow detection of differences between the communities studied. Entomological samples were taken to identify vectors which it was not possible to fully identify.


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  • Herbert Iván Vera Secretaría de Salud del Guainía, Puerto Inírida, Guainía
  • Julián Trujillo Banco de Sangre, Hospital Inirida, Puerto Inirida. Guainía
How to Cite
Vera HI, Trujillo J. Prevalencia de mansonelosis en comunidades del río Atabapo del departamento de Guanía, Colombia. biomedica [Internet]. 1997 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Jun. 13];17(4):306-12. Available from:
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