Colombian hepatitis B and D epidemiological profile

Carlos A. Espinal, .


The epidemiology of hepatitis B infection in Colombia varies by geographic regions and population groups. Hepatitis B infection prevalence and incidence survey analysis carried out by research institutions and health services has determined the classification of high and intermediate endemicity regions in Colombia. High prevalences of infection and carrier rates have been reported from different geographic areas including the Amazon Basin, Orinoquia and the Atlantic and Pacific coastal regions. High prevalences of delta virus infections and fulminant hepatitis outbreaks have been reported from these areas of high HBV endemicity Populations at high risk, including indian communities, require intensive infant vaccination programmes and age-expanded programmes to control and reduce the endemicity levels. Vaccination of adolescents should be recommended to effectively reduce the number of carriers and the incidence and prevalence of HBV amongst the susceptible population. Routine vaccination of adolescents should be considered at ages 11 to 12 years, before adolescents initiate high-risk practices. More hepatitis B immunisation programmes for health workers should be implemented in hospitals and health-centers. Vaccination should be recommended as early as possible, as a requirement for school or higher education admission. Colombia has reported intermediate rates for primaty hepatocellular carcinoma. Surveys in Cali, Valle del Cauca, confirmed the epidemiological relationship between high risk urban and sub-urban areas for hepatitis B, hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis.


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  • Carlos A. Espinal Director Científico, Biolehner
How to Cite
Espinal CA. Colombian hepatitis B and D epidemiological profile. biomedica [Internet]. 1998 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Jun. 2];18(3):216-48. Available from:
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