Comparison of independent and dependent culture methods for the detection of transient bacteremia in diabetic subjects with chronic periodontitis

Anna Carolina Ratto-Tespestini, Paula Juliana Pérez-Chaparro, Giuseppe Alexandre Romito, Luciene Cristina Figueiredo, Marcelo Faveri, Hilana Paula Carillo, Priscila Larcher, Magda Feres, .

Keywords: Bacteremia, real-time polymerase chain reaction, periodontitis, diabetes mellitus/diagnosis, microbiology


Introduction: Oral-derived bacteremia may occur after several dental procedures and routine daily activities. Some conditions of the oral cavity may favor episodes of bacteremia. This would be the case of patients with diabetes mellitus and periodontitis, who exhibit exacerbated gingival inflammation and may be more prone to developing oral-derived bacteremia. Objective: To compare the effectiveness of an independent culture method (quantitative real-time PCR- qCR) and the most commonly used method (BacT-ALERT 3D®) for the diagnosis of bacteremia. Materials and methods: Blood samples were drawn from subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic periodontitis before and after apple chewing. Samples were processed by an automated blood culture system (BacT-ALERT 3D®) monitored for 15 days with suitable subculture of positive cultures. In parallel, whole DNA from blood samples was purified using a commercial kit and screened by qPCR using a universal primer set of16S rDNA for bacteria detection. Results: Blood cultures taken before apple chewing were shown to be negative by the two diagnostic methods. After chewing, two samples (11%) showed bacterial growth by BacT-ALERT 3D® whereas qPCR did not detect the presence of bacteria in any sample. Conclusions: qPCR did not show greater effectiveness than the BacT-ALERT 3D® in the detection of bacteremia of oral origin.


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  • Anna Carolina Ratto-Tespestini Department of Stomatology, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Paula Juliana Pérez-Chaparro Department of Periodontology, Dental Research Division, Guarulhos University, Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Giuseppe Alexandre Romito Department of Stomatology, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Luciene Cristina Figueiredo Department of Periodontology, Dental Research Division, Guarulhos University, Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Marcelo Faveri Department of Periodontology, Dental Research Division, Guarulhos University, Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazilazil
  • Hilana Paula Carillo Department of Stomatology, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Priscila Larcher Biological Medial Science Institute (ICB), University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Magda Feres Department of Stomatology, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


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How to Cite
Ratto-Tespestini AC, Pérez-Chaparro PJ, Romito GA, Figueiredo LC, Faveri M, Carillo HP, et al. Comparison of independent and dependent culture methods for the detection of transient bacteremia in diabetic subjects with chronic periodontitis. biomedica [Internet]. 2016 Mar. 1 [cited 2024 May 18];36(1):156-61. Available from:

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