Frequency of antibodies and seroconversion against Rickettsia spp in patients consulting health institutions in the department of Caldas, Colombia, 2016-2019

Jorge Enrique Pérez , Gloria Inés Estrada, Yuliana Zapata, Marylin Hidalgo, Cristian Camilo Serna, Diego Camilo Castro , Cristian González , .

Keywords: Rickettsia, Rickettsia rickettsia, Rickettsia typhi, Rickettsia felis, Rickettsia infections/diagnosis, epidemiology, risk factors


Introduction: Rickettsioses are zoonotic diseases transmitted by arthropods acting as vectors and reservoirs. Disease symptoms are nonspecific and, therefore, their clinical diagnosis is difficult. Indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) is the gold standard assay for diagnosis. The interest for conducting studies on these pathologies has resurfaced in Colombia since 2001; besides, previous studies have evidenced cases of rickettsiosis in the north of the department of Caldas.
Objective: To establish the frequency of antibodies and seroconversion against Rickettsia spp. In patients consulting health institutions in Caldas, Colombia, from 2016 to 2019.
Materials and methods: We conducted a quantitative, observational, and descriptive study on a non-probabilistic sample of 175 patients with symptoms compatible with rickettsiosis who consulted in different municipalities of Caldas, Colombia; IFA was performed to detect antibodies in the acute and convalescent phases against Rickettsia rickettsii, Rickettsia typhi, and Rickettsia felis.
Results: The average age of the patients was 31 years. The municipalities with the highest proportion of seropositive cases were Belalcázar, Chinchiná, Filadelfia, La Dorada, La Merced, and Manizales; 66% of patients owned pets and 12% reported arthropod bites. The most frequent signs and symptoms were headache (69.7%), arthromyalgia (60%), and fever (58.2%). IgG seroprevalence was 60% for R. rickettsii, 47.9% for R. typhi, and, and 24% for R. felis. Eight patients presented seroconversion.
Conclusion: We found evidence of the circulation of Rickettsia species from the spotted fever group and the typhus group associated with human cases in Caldas.


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How to Cite
Pérez JE, Estrada GI, Zapata Y, Hidalgo M, Serna CC, Castro DC, et al. Frequency of antibodies and seroconversion against Rickettsia spp in patients consulting health institutions in the department of Caldas, Colombia, 2016-2019. biomedica [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];41(Sp. 2):103-17. Available from:

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