A call for implementation of the Law 2120 against junk food during pandemic times in Colombia

Lina María García, Adolfo Contreras , .

Keywords: Coronavirus infections, pandemics, food, malnutrition, noncommunicable diseases, public health


For more than one year and a half, Colombia and the world have been facing the effects caused by the pandemics of SARS CoV-2 with concomitant and aggravating deterioration of multiple public health problems such as noncommunicable diseases. Noncommunicable diseases are frequently associated with poor eating habits and regular consumption of processed and ultra-processed foods, among other important risk factors related to culture, genetics, and sedentarism.
In July, 2021, Colombia ratified the Law 2120 that promotes healthy food habits and recreational environments, by forcing food producers to include nutritional advertisement seals on processed food packages, with explanatory guidelines for consumers about calories and nutritional value.
This editorial note highlights the importance in Odontology of promoting and implementing this Law through education and sensitization of populations, in order to cope with some of the adverse risk factors of the hypercaloric diet.


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How to Cite
García LM, Contreras A. A call for implementation of the Law 2120 against junk food during pandemic times in Colombia. biomedica [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];42(Sp. 2):14-8. Available from: https://revistabiomedica.org/index.php/biomedica/article/view/6303

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