Donor Blood Groups and Rh Factor Frequencies, Colombia, 1996

Mauricio Beltrán, Maribel Ayala, Jorge Jara, .

Keywords: blood groups, Rh factor, blood donors, blood bank


The establishment of a nationwide blood group distribution pattern provides an opportunity to identify non-frequent blood group units and their derivates when emergency transfusions involving these blood types are required. This also provides a useful tool for genetic and anthropological studies. In order to determine A, 8, AB, 0, and Rhesusfactor blood group frequency and distribution amongst blood donors for the different Colombian geographic regions or health services, data provided from blood banks al1 over the country and sent to the Blood Banks Co-ordination Office (located at the Instituto Nacional de Salud in Bogotá) was reviewed and analysed in 1996. A descriptive study was carried out using this information, identifying proportions for each A,B,O blood group and the presence or absence of Rhesus factor. During this period, 393.063 blood units were processed for blood typing in 180 blood banks. The following results were obtained from 338.063 (86%) tests for groups A, B, AB, O and Rh factor as reported to this office. From the total blood units classified, 91.16% were Rhesus factor positive. Blood group distribution for positive Rhesus factor was 56.2% for group 0; 26.0% for group A; 7.3% for group B and 1.4% for blood group AB. Negative Rhesus factor blood groups accounted for 8.83% (5.1 % belonging to group O; 2.7% to group A; 0.7% to group B and 0.3% to group AB). The highest proportion of blood units classified as Rhesus factor negative were found in the Antióquia, Caldas and San Andrés health services' blood banks. The availability of this data is useful for the integration of the blood banks' national network (Red Nacionai de Bancos de Sangre) so as to develop a database including potential donors for less common blood groups in order to provide timely exchange and delivery of blood units and their derivates according to geographical distribution.


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  • Mauricio Beltrán Grupo Banco de Sangre, Instituto Nacional de salud, Santa Fe de Bogotá.
  • Maribel Ayala Grupo Banco de Sangre, Instituto Nacional de salud, Santa Fe de Bogotá.
  • Jorge Jara Centro Control de Enfermedades, Subdirección de Epidemiologia y LNR, Instituto Nacional de Salud, Santa Fe de Bogotá
How to Cite
Beltrán M, Ayala M, Jara J. Donor Blood Groups and Rh Factor Frequencies, Colombia, 1996. biomedica [Internet]. 1999 Mar. 1 [cited 2024 May 19];19(1):39-44. Available from:

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