Reporte de insuficiencia renal producida por Leptospira Interrogans Serovar Pomona en Colombia

Fortunato Ospino, Ligia Sedano de León, Manuel Isaac Gallego, .

Keywords: zoonosis, leptospirosis


It is described a leptospirosis case produced by Lep- tospira pomona in a 20 years old woman working in a rice mill, and characterized by a sindrome of hepatic and renal insufficiency. The disease was manifested by discomfort,anorexia, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, jaundice and subconjuntivalbleeding. Clinical tests shawed disturbances in the levels of Creatinine, blood chlorine, alkaline phosphatase and direct bilirrubin indicating a renal and hepatic dysfunction. Hematicdisturbances in erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hemoglobin, haematocritand leukocytosis showed the infection adn anemia produced by L. pomonain the patient. It is called the attetion to make always a differentialdiagnosis in all suspicious cases of leptospirosis specially when the epidemiological background and symtoms make suspect a disease produced by Leptospiraspecies.


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  • Fortunato Ospino UPI 03 San Pedro Claver
    Médico Infectólogo UPI 03 San Pedro Claver y Profesor Asistente del Departamento de Microbiología y Parasitología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Ligia Sedano de León Investigaciones Médicas Veterinarias

    Bacterióloga Programa de Microbiología. Laboratorio Investigaciones Médicas Veterinarias. ICA

  • Manuel Isaac Gallego Investigaciones Médicas Veterinarias
    Médico Veterinario. Programa de Microbiología. Laboratorio Investigaciones Médicas Veterinarias. ICA,
How to Cite
Ospino F, Sedano de León L, Gallego MI. Reporte de insuficiencia renal producida por Leptospira Interrogans Serovar Pomona en Colombia. biomedica [Internet]. 1988 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Jun. 2];8(1-2):46-51. Available from:

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