Budget impact analysis of primary screening with the HPV test and genotyping against conventional cytology in Colombia

Miguel Amézquita , Geny Carolina Silva , Diego Antonio Restrepo , Linda Margarita Ibata , Rafael Niño , Maximiliano Bustacara , Víctor Alexander Sáenz , Dieric Anderson Díaz , Milena Alarcón , Luz Adriana Quintero , .

Keywords: Health care costs, uterine cervical neoplasms, papillomavirus infections, Papillomaviridae, cytological techniques, mass screening


Introduction: The detection of the human papillomavirus (HPV) through the combination of the HPV test and other techniques such as cytology has impacted the detection and timely treatment of lesions associated with cervical cancer.
Objective: To estimate the budgetary impact of the strategy of early detection of HPV with DNA test genotyping with reflex cytology versus conventional cytology in women aged 30 to 65 years attending the cervical cancer screening program at a health benefit managing entity in Colombia.
Materials and methods: Using a decision tree and a Markov model, the clinical implications and direct costs of screening, diagnosis, and treatment were estimated in a cohort of women. The analysis considered two screening cycles and their annual costs. The data on the prevalence of clinical results and the costs were taken from the health managing entity. The information on the progression, persistence, and regression of the health states were taken from the ATHENA study.
Results: The screening scheme with the HPV test, genotyping, and reflex cytology compared to conventional cytology was cost-saving. The average cost per screening cycle with the HPV test was estimated at COP $ 129,201,363 and with cytology at COP $ 186,309,952, i.e., a saving of COP $ 57,108,589 (30.7%).
Conclusion: The implementation of the screening strategy under evaluation suggests prospective savings derived from the early detection of health states associated with the development of cervical cancer.


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How to Cite
Amézquita M, Silva GC, Restrepo DA, Ibata LM, Niño R, Bustacara M, et al. Budget impact analysis of primary screening with the HPV test and genotyping against conventional cytology in Colombia. biomedica [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];42(2):290-301. Available from: https://revistabiomedica.org/index.php/biomedica/article/view/6016

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