Hearing health characterization and exposure to noise in the population aged 18 to 64 in Bogotá D.C., years 2014-2018

Jenny Andrea Sierra, Mónica Montaña, Karla Rugeles , María Teresa Sandoval , Wilson Sandoval , Karem Johanna Delgado, Jhon Jairo Abella, .

Keywords: noise, effects of noise, hearing loss, hearing perception, hearing tests, exposure to environmental hazards


Introduction. Hearing health is a public health concern that affects quality of life, public health issue that affects quality of life, being noise exposure a risk that generates auditory and extra-auditory symptoms.
Objective. To identify the hearing health status and the association with environmental noise exposure factors, personal and otological factors in adults in Bogotá.
Materials and methods. Cross-sectional study using a database with 10,311 records between the years 2014 to 2018, from a structured survey of noise perception and hearing screening. Descriptive, bivariate and binary logistic regression analysis was performed.
Results. 35.4% of the participants presented hearing impairment. In the perception component, 13.0% reported not hearing well; 28.8% reported extra-auditory symptoms, 53.3% otological antecedents and 69.0% discomfort due to extramural noise. In the logistic regression, the environmental variable with the highest association for hearing impairment was living in noisy areas with OR 1.50 (95%CI 1.34-1.69). In personal variables, being male was associated with OR 1.85 (95%CI 1.64-2.09), and age indicated that for each year of life the risk of hearing impairment increased 6%. In otological variables, it corresponded to a history of otological symptoms with OR 1.86 (95%CI 1.66-2.08).
Conclusions. For the participant population, hearing impairment is multi-causal, the factors that increase the prevalence are increase in age, being male, smoking, ototoxic medications, living in areas with greater exposure to noise and extra-auditory symptoms.


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  • Jenny Andrea Sierra Grupo de Investigación en Salud Ambiental de Bogotá, Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Sur Occidente E.S.E., Bogotá, D.C., Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9783-7020
  • Mónica Montaña Grupo de Investigación en Salud Ambiental de Bogotá, Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Norte E.S.E., Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
  • Karla Rugeles Grupo de Iinvestigación en Salud Ambiental de Bogotá, Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Centro Oriente E.S.E., Bogotá, D.C., Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4915-409X
  • María Teresa Sandoval Grupo de Iinvestigación en Salud Ambiental de Bogotá, Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Centro Oriente E.S.E., Bogotá, D.C., Colombia https://orcid.org/0009-0002-4094-6119
  • Wilson Sandoval Grupo de Iinvestigación en Salud Ambiental de Bogotá, Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Centro Oriente E.S.E., Bogotá, D.C., Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6363-5853
  • Karem Johanna Delgado Grupo de Investigación en Salud Ambiental de Bogotá, Secretaria Distrital de Salud, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9134-8181
  • Jhon Jairo Abella Grupo de Investigación en Salud Ambiental de Bogotá, Secretaria Distrital de Salud, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1347-9033
How to Cite
Sierra JA, Montaña M, Rugeles K, Sandoval MT, Sandoval W, Delgado KJ, et al. Hearing health characterization and exposure to noise in the population aged 18 to 64 in Bogotá D.C., years 2014-2018. biomedica [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 5 [cited 2024 May 21];44(2). Available from: https://revistabiomedica.org/index.php/biomedica/article/view/7271


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