New findings on the geographic distribution of the verrucarum group (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Colombia.

Eduar Elías Bejarano, Diana Sierra, Iván Darío Vélez, .

Keywords: psychodidae, sand flies, lutzomyia, distribution, leishmaniasis, Colombia


The incrimination of sand flies belonging to verrucarum species group in the leishmaniasis transmission underscores the need for a detailed information on the geographical distribution of these species. The current listing adds 34 new records that extend significantly the knowledge of the geographical distribution of the verrucarum group in Colombia. The most important new records pertain to Lutzomyia spinicrassa in the tropical dry forest of the Atlantic coast, Lutzomyia ovallesi in the Orinoco and Amazon River watersheds regions of Colombia, and the sympatric occurrence of Lutzomyia spinicrassa and Lutzomyia quasitownsendi in the eastern chain of the Andes mountains. Additionally, the municipal and altitudinal distributions are compiled for 19 new species recorded for Colombia. The series townsendi of the verrucarum group generally restricted to premontane and lower montane zones based on distribution data on Lutzomyia longiflocosa, L. quasitownsendi, Lutzomyia sauroida, L. spinicrassa, Lutzomyia torvida, Lutzomyia townsendi and Lutzomyia youngi. The series verrucarum is distributed from the tropical lowland to the montane zones, and includes species with wide geographical range (Lutzomyia evansi, Lutzomyia columbiana, L. ovallesi, Lutzomyia nuneztovari, Lutzomyia nevesi), and species of highly endemic distribution (Lutzomyia andina, Lutzomyia disiuncta, Lutzomyia moralesi, Lutzomyia antioquiensis). Members of the series pia (Lutzomyia pia, Lutzomyia limafalcaoae) and the series serrana (Lutzomyia serrana) occur from the tropical lowlands to the lower montane zones. The altitudinal divergences may be intrinsically tied to speciation process, especially as it relates to the climatic and geologic events that have affected the flora and fauna of the Andean region.


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  • Eduar Elías Bejarano Programa de Estudio y Control de Enfermedades Tropicales (PECET), Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín.
  • Diana Sierra Programa de Estudio y Control de Enfermedades Tropicales (PECET), Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín
  • Iván Darío Vélez Programa de Estudio y Control de Enfermedades Tropicales (PECET), Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín
How to Cite
Bejarano EE, Sierra D, Vélez ID. New findings on the geographic distribution of the verrucarum group (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Colombia. biomedica [Internet]. 2003 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Jun. 18];23(3):341-50. Available from:

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