Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of gestational syphilis in Cali, 2018

Juliana Benítez , María Alejandra Yépez , Mauricio Hernández-Carrillo , Diana Milena Martínez, Ángela Cubides-Munevar , Jorge Alirio Holguín-Ruiz , Martín Alonso Muñoz , .

Keywords: Syphilis, congenital, syphilis, latent, syphilis serodiagnosis, syphilis/epidemiology, prevalence, public health


Introduction: Gestational syphilis is considered an event of public health interest given its impact on mother and child. In Colombia, despite having specific protocols for its notification, diagnosis, and management, there are still limitations in its control.
Objectives: To describe the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, as well as the spatial distribution of gestational syphilis in Cali, Colombia, in 2018.
Materials and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 427 gestational syphilis cases reported to the Colombian national epidemiological surveillance system (Sivigila). For the statistical processing, we used the R program, version 3.5.3. We expressed qualitative variables as proportions and quantitative ones through central tendency and dispersion measures, and to establish the spatial distribution we used the Qgis program, version 3.0.
Results: The prevalence of gestational syphilis was 17 cases per 1,000 live births (including stillbirths); 57.1% of patients belonged to the subsidized healthcare system and 16.6% had no health insurance; 90.4% of cases were diagnosed during pregnancy; 47.2% of the pregnant women received three doses of penicillin, yet only 57.6% of contacts were treated.
Conclusions: The prevalence of gestational syphilis in Cali during 2018 exceeded the national rate with a higher frequency among women in socioeconomic vulnerability
conditions consistent with the general spatial distribution. There was a lack of opportunity in the early detection and management of the infection both among pregnant women and their contacts, which hinders the control of the disease and reflects the inadequate application of the comprehensive maternal and perinatal health care route guidelines.


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How to Cite
Benítez J, Yépez MA, Hernández-Carrillo M, Martínez DM, Cubides-Munevar Ángela, Holguín-Ruiz JA, et al. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of gestational syphilis in Cali, 2018. biomedica [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 14];41(Sp. 2):140-52. Available from:

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