Factors associated with unsuccessful treatment outcome for tuberculosis in previously treated patients in Cali, Colombia, during the period 2015-2019

Liddy Varela, Jimena Ortiz, Pamela K. García, Lucy Luna, Jose F. Fuertes-Bucheli, Robinson Pacheco, .

Keywords: Tuberculosis, tuberculosis, pulmonary, epidemiological factors, health services accessibility, treatment adherence and compliance, communicable disease control


Introduction. The success rates in the treatment of tuberculosis are suboptimal.
Objective. To identify associated factors with the lack of success of antituberculosis treatment in patients with a tuberculosis treatment history.
Materials and methods. We performed a retrospective, analytical, observational, and cohort study of patients reentering the Mycobacterium program in Cali, Colombia. We included patients over 15 years old with pulmonary tuberculosis between 2015 and 2019 and a history of tuberculosis treatment. Patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis were excluded.
Results. A total of 605 patients with a treatment history were included, 60% due to unfinished treatment and 40% due to relapse. Compared to patients reentering due to
relapse (ORa=2.34, CI=1.62-3.38), the independent variables associated with treatment failure at discharge were homelessness (ORa=2.45, CI=1.54-3.89), substance dependence (ORa=1.95, CI=1.24-3.05), tuberculosis/HIV coinfection (ORa=1.69, CI=1.00-2.86), diabetes (ORa=1.89, CI=1.29-2.77), and unfinished previous tuberculosis treatment due to follow-up loss, abandonment, or other causes. Programmatic variables favoring treatment success were voluntary HIV testing counseling (p<0.001) and HIV testing (p<0.001).
Conclusion. Homelessness, substance dependence, tuberculosis/HIV coinfection, diabetes, and incomplete previous treatment due to loss to follow-up, abandonment, or treatment failure hindered the success of antituberculosis. These characteristics should be identified and addressed during the initial care of patients reentering treatment for tuberculosis.


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How to Cite
Varela L, Ortiz J, García PK, Luna L, Fuertes-Bucheli JF, Pacheco R. Factors associated with unsuccessful treatment outcome for tuberculosis in previously treated patients in Cali, Colombia, during the period 2015-2019. biomedica [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];43(3):360-73. Available from: https://revistabiomedica.org/index.php/biomedica/article/view/6961

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