Cost-effectiveness of iso- versus low-osmolality contrast media in outpatients with high risk of contrast medium-induced nephropathy

Liliana Alejandra Chicaíza-Becerra, Mario García-Molina, Óscar Gamboa, .

Keywords: contrast media, kidney tubular necrosis, acute, cost-benefit analysis


Introduction. Contrast media can cause acute renal failure by direct toxic effects on the tubular cells and kidney ischemia. Diabetics and hospitalized patients have a greater risk of developing contrastinduced nephropathy than the general population.

Objective. The cost effectiveness of iso and low-osmolality contrast media was assessed in high risk outpatients.

Materials and methods. The analysis was based on a systematic literature review comparing the nephrotoxic effects of iso- to low-osmolality contrast media. Only direct costs were considered; these were obtained from the official tariff manual. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios, efficiency curves and acceptability curves were calculated. Univariate sensitivity analyses were performed for costs and effects, as well as probabilistic analyses. Zero and 3% discounts were applied to results. The costeffectivenessthreshold was equal to the per capita GDP per life-year gained.

Results. Alternatives with Iopamidol and Iodixanol are preferable to the others, because both reduce risk of contrast-induced nephropathy and are less costly. The incremental cost-effectiveness of the Iodixanol alternative compared to the Iopamidol alternative is US$ 14,660 per additional life year gained; this is more than twice the threshold.

Conclusion. The low-osmolality contrast medium, Iopamidol, appears to be cost-effective when compared with Iohexol or other low-osmolality contrast media (Iopromide, Iobitridol, Iomeprol, Iopentol and Ioxilan) in contrast-induced nephropathy, high-risk outpatients. The choice of the iso-osmolality contrast medium, Iodixanol, depends on its cost per vial and on the willingness to pay.


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  • Liliana Alejandra Chicaíza-Becerra Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
    Adminsitradora de Empresas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Especialista en Evaluación de Proyectos, Universidad de los Andes, Doctora en Economía y Gestión de la Salud, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Profesora Asociada, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Mario García-Molina Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
  • Óscar Gamboa Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia


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How to Cite
Chicaíza-Becerra LA, García-Molina M, Gamboa Óscar. Cost-effectiveness of iso- versus low-osmolality contrast media in outpatients with high risk of contrast medium-induced nephropathy. biomedica [Internet]. 2012 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 May 19];32(2):182-9. Available from:

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